Pham Ngoc Tuan Galerie De Beaune 1971



Pham Ngoc Tuan




Linen Backed


48×80 cm



Of Vietnamese origin, Pham Ngoc Tuan, born in 1929, devotes his entire work to geometric abstraction.
It belongs to the association of the Salon des Réalités Nouvelles which brings together, since 1939, artists such as Jean Arp, Robert and Sonia Delaunay, Marcel Duchamp, Kasimir Malevich, Francis Picabia.
Initially oriented towards geometric and constructivist abstraction, that is to say an art “totally free from the direct vision of nature”, the New Realities opened up after the Second World War to lyrical abstraction, that of gesture.
The art of Tuan, made of simple geometric shapes in flat areas of pure colors, can be compared to that of Auguste Herbin.
He created the logo of the Salon des Réalités Nouvelles still used today by this group.

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